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Challenges and Opportunities of Serverless in 2021

The benefits of going serverless include reduced costs via pay-per-use pricing models, less operational burden/overhead, instant scalability, increased automation. But the challenges of using serverless are often not addressed as comprehensively. This article discusses the common concerns and advice to minimize their impact on serverless. The key is to avoid having these mistakes create any true impact on your serverless infrastructures, writes Dashbird’s well-architected reports. For highly scaled applications with data-intensive workload processing requests, a detailed cost analysis is required to ensure optimal cost efficiency.

Taavi Rehemägi Hacker Noon profile picture

@taavi-rehemagiTaavi Rehemägi

CEO of Dashbird. 13y experience as a software developer & 5y of building Serverless applications.

by Taavi Rehemägi @taavi-rehemagi. CEO of Dashbird. 13y experience as a software developer & 5y of building Serverless applications.Serverless af


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