September 15th 2021 new story

Rico Mok is Co-Founder & CTO at Poplar Homes, a tech-enabled property management service for residential real estate. The company was founded in 2014 and now counts over 2,200 doors under management and $20M in venture funding. Founder: “We founded Poplar Homes in 2014 after our own terrible housing experience as college students.” Founder: “If I weren’t building this startup, I’d be building another in real estate as well…” “Our team is not afraid of taking big leaps of faith and weathering the storm…”
@ricomokRico Mok
Co-Founder & CTO at Poplar Homes, a tech-enabled real estate service for landlords and renters.

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Go for the “dirtiest, unsexiest problems out there to solve,” say Poplar Homes Co-Founder & CTO
Source: Trends Pinoy