Some people are resilient, which means they can maintain or increase their well-being in the face of adversity. This might explain why, at least in part, social media does not make everyone feel worse. Here are three science-backed methods to develop resilience on social media to get you started. These three methods can help you cope with unpleasant emotions brought on by social media while promoting resilience. If you use these methods on a daily basis, Social media may even help you improve your health.
Would you like to use social media to improve your health? Try out some of these suggestions.
We’re spending more time on social media than ever before. One issue that has recently emerged is that social media algorithms frequently display information that makes us nervous, angry, or unhappy
since this content keeps us interested and clicking. This implies that the news items we read are likely to be the most sensational, the postings we see are likely to be the most stressful, and the advertisements we see are likely to stir us up the most. As a result of spending more time online, we may be feeling more down than ever before.
Undesirable experiences, on the other hand, may not always lead to negative consequences such as sadness or anxiety. Some people are resilient, which means they can maintain or increase their well-being in the face of adversity. This might explain why, at least in part, social media does not make everyone feel worse. So, what distinguishes
these “resilient” individuals? What about the rest of us? How can we
utilize social media to foster resilience?
Here are three science-backed methods to develop resilience on social media to get you started.
Re-frame Your Situation
The capacity to control and manage our emotions has a significant impact on how we react to unpleasant emotions and, as a result, how resilient we are. Even in the face of stress, one approach, in particular, has been found to improve resilience. This approach is known as cognitive reappraisal, which is rephrasing a traumatic experience in an attempt to alter one’s emotional reaction to it.
Cognitive restructuring is a beneficial approach not just in real life, but it may also be employed in response to stressful online situations. If you’re unhappy, for example, ask yourself: What are some possible good outcomes from this situation? What are some of the ways this may help someone? Or, to put it another way, what am I supposed to take away from this? You may change your negative feelings into something more
positive by re-framing the situation.
Consider it From the Perspective of Someone Who isn’t a Part of the Situation
We are so engrossed in our own lives these days—what we feel, think, and what has occurred to us. As a result, we may get mentally trapped in our negative thoughts. However, it turns out that psychologically separating yourself from your own situation (i.e., viewing it from a distance) might help you feel better and be more resilient.
So, the next time you decide yourself getting worked up over something you read on the internet, take a step back and examine yourself from the perspective of an outsider or as a “fly on the wall.” This method can assist you in being tethered from your own emotions and viewing your event in a less traumatic light.
Experiment With Time Travel
Every day, every second, and every time you look through social media, there is so much going on that the current moment might feel overwhelming. As a result, another useful technique is to consider your
issue from a different perspective. Because you can understand that your
current unpleasant feelings aren’t permanent—they’ll pass—this method helps to calm your emotions and improve resilience.
Stronger Social Relationships are Linked to Resilience
Many studies show that living a more altruistic or purposeful life makes us more resilient when catastrophe strikes. But, may the ideals associated with compassion and purpose be at the foundation of this benefit?
This is difficult to discern since many researchers employ multi-faceted resilient assessments, such as combining conscientiousness, vitality, and connections into a bundle of resiliency qualities. This makes determining which elements are most important or how they interact challenging.
To Summarize
These three methods and if you buy TikTok followers can help you cope with unpleasant emotions of not being noticed on by social media and also in promoting resilience. If you use these methods on a daily basis, social media may even help you enhance your well-being—like it’s a training tool for us to learn new skills that will help us live better lives.
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Source: Trends Pinoy