September 7th 2021 new story
HackerNoon 2021 Year to Date Revenue is over $1M!!!! (real amount redacted) This is more than we expect total expenses for all of 2021 to be, as well as, a 168% increase over 2020 revenue. We’ve published 6,844 stories in addition to 1,213 tech company news pages and 4,553 startups city award pages. We’ll be ramping up part-time editorial staff through the next 6 months to focus on increasing our rate of publishing quality tech stories. We have our first purchases of $1k without first talking to a human!
@noonionState of the Noonion
Where you can read redacted shareholder letters being sent to Hacker Noon 1.3k+ shareholders every quarter.
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State of The Noonion Q2 2021: We Made over $1M in Revenue!
Source: Trends Pinoy