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AI Vs. Copywriters: Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence is the capability of a machine or software to imitate intelligent human behavior. It is expected to grow and improve in the near future, which means it could soon be a contender for human content writers. Some argue that AIs should not be used or programmed to make decisions about humans because this would make them morally responsible for their actions. However, the potential benefits outweigh the risks and that marketers will have to start using AI if they want to remain competitive in a world with a global marketplace.

Jussi Hyvarinen Hacker Noon profile picture

Jussi Hyvarinen

Jussi Hyvärinen is an online entrepreneur & digital marketing expert with over 25 years of industry experience.

The world is changing all the time. The technology that we use evolves in front of our very eyes, and it can be hard to keep up with what’s new.

Artificial intelligence is expected to grow and improve in the near future, which means it could soon be a contender for human content writers!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the capability of a machine or software to imitate intelligent human behavior.

Such applications can follow pre-programmed rules or procedures to solve problems, making them capable of intelligent behavior when compared with other non-intelligent objects or animals, including humans.

There are many practical applications of artificial intelligence in every area of life – marketing included!

Artificial intelligence in digital marketing

It is no secret that artificial intelligence has been on the rise for a while now. In fact, some say it will surpass human intelligence soon. But AI in marketing is still new and on the borderline of what is considered to be ethical.

Some people argue that AIs should not be used or programmed to make decisions about humans because this would make them morally responsible for their actions.

Others argue that the potential benefits outweigh the risks and that marketers will have to start using AI if they want to remain competitive in a world with a global marketplace.

Regardless of your stance on the issue of AI in digital marketing, there are some major positives that come along with using AIs for content creation and digital marketing.

There are tons of tools out there to help marketers create content that is more engaging, personalized, and optimized for search. But AI can take this to another level by creating almost an entire website’s worth of copy with minimal human intervention!

Does the future lie in Artificial Intelligence?

Will we need humans to write blog posts or articles anymore? Will there ever be a time when AI will be able to write an entire book by itself?

Artificial Intelligence is certainly something that has people talking. It’s exciting, but also a little scary because it takes away some of the human touches in marketing communications. But it’s also not something that marketers can ignore. AI has the potential to transform marketing forever, so you’d better get on board!

Artificial intelligence is an incredible technology that can work wonders for your brand. Using AI tools in content creation will help brands deliver improved customer experience and do more effective marketing.

The future of content writing

AI’s capabilities make it possible to produce high-quality, engaging marketing communications with very little human input! The question now is whether or not this means that humans will be phased out as marketers and copywriters?

No need to worry about losing your job just yet (although you might want to brush up on your programming skills!). There won’t be an AI takeover anytime soon – but there could one day come a time when AIs can write an entire book by themselves using algorithms. For now, though, we’re still better than them.

Artificial intelligence has been around for a long time, but it’s only recently that people have started to realize how beneficial it can be. Digital marketers also need to take note and start considering whether AI could eventually replace human content writers altogether!

As artificial intelligence continues to grow and improve, we expect brands will start using it more frequently for digital marketing strategies and content creation.


AI may be able to take over for human content writers or digital marketers in the future. To stay competitive in a global marketplace, you should consider implementing artificial intelligence in your content creation process.

Artificial intelligence is an incredible technology that can work wonders for your brand. Using AI tools in digital marketing and content creation will help brands deliver improved customer experience and more effective marketing.

The future of human copywriters or marketers?

It’s not entirely clear yet! But what is clear is that AI has the potential to transform marketing forever, so marketers should start embracing it now.

by Jussi Hyvarinen @hyvarjus. Jussi Hyvärinen is an online entrepreneur & digital marketing expert with over 25 years of industry experience.Read my stories


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AI Vs. Copywriters: Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
Source: Trends Pinoy

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