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2022 Noonies Nominee Veronika Vasileva on Programming, Python, and More

Howdy Hackers!

I’m Veronika Vasileva and I’m the Data Engineer @Datrics.

I’ve been nominated for the categories below and if you’ve enjoyed anything I’ve written this year, please take some time to vote for me.




As a writer in tech, I believe that blockchain is presently the most exciting technology because of its security, speed, and fault tolerance. Learn more about my views on my journey in the tech industry via the interview below.

What’s your current role and what do you like about it?

I’m a Data Engineer. I like to dig into the code, look for the best solution, and build amazing things.

How did you get into Programming?

It was Spring 2017, and I was in the kitchen watching a TED Talk about neural networks on YouTube when I thought, “I want to do something like that.” That day, I decided to become a programmer. Before then, I had studied applied mathematics and had been working in the IT sector as an SQL Analyst.

But, I hadn’t written any programs as a professional. So, I intensively reviewed my university math books for three weeks and passed the admissions exam for a university program in data science and programming, which I passed.

How did you get into writing about Programming?

In the summer of 2020, I wrote my first article on Medium about data orchestration. After I published it, an administrator from Analytics Vidhya contacted me and requested permission to republish my article on their channel.

From there, I became a technical writer for their organization and that’s how I got my start writing about programming.

What’s your earliest memory of you learning to code?

My earliest memory is sitting in front of a computer after class with my teacher, Lyudmila, in the computer lab: I was sitting in my chair drawing logic models of chess pieces and how they moved while she reviewed my work.

When she approved my work, I then programmed it into Pascal to see what would happen.

When Elon Musk achieves his dream of getting us to Mars, what technology do you think would be important on Mars and why?

I think it would be important to carry a gigantic magnetic shield. This way the sun would not be able to keep Mars in its current condition; instead, it would turn into a greenhouse, which would melt the ice and release elements: carbon, nitrogen, et cetera.

This would cause Mars to develop an atmosphere like Earth’s, and therefore, permit human habitation.

What’s a programming language that you would build EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in and why?

Why Python of course. Everyone uses Python. It’s very versatile: You could make games, sites, machine learning, data collection and analysis, and so on.

What’s something you think Software developers do not do enough of?

I think Software Developers do not sufficiently document their work: every time I try to get data from Profile Tome’s API, I spend a week reverse-engineering the documentation by piecing information from various user forums before I can actually do the thing I am paid to do.

What is your least favorite thing about programming?

Technical interviews: my palms sweat, my heart races, my brain overloads, and, on top of it all, I have to respond in English, need I say more?

What’s a technology you’re currently learning or excited to learn?

Blockchain, I am excited to learn this technology, coz it’s my recent project. I have to extract and manipulate data from the blockchain. I am interested not only in the technology itself but also in all the nuances of the business that I deal with

What’s your favorite Programming story of all-time on HackerNoon?

Time travel 10 years into the past or 10 years into the future? What does technology look like? Give reasons for your answer.

It’s 2032  there is a new search engine that gives you the opposite result of what you searched for. But, Sergey Brin, does not tell anyone about the changes: so everyone in the world cannot find what they want to find.

The annual Noonie Awards celebrate the best and brightest of the tech industry, bringing together all who are making the Internet and the world of tech what it is today. Please be sure to check out our award categories, nominate, and vote for the people and companies who you think are making the biggest impact on the tech industry today.

The 2022 Noonies are sponsored by: BingX, and .tech domains. Thank you so much to these sponsors who are helping us celebrate the accomplishments of all our nominees.

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2022 Noonies Nominee Veronika Vasileva on Programming, Python, and More
Source: Trends Pinoy

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