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The Temperaments of Decreased Irritability

Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life by Erasmus Darwin is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here: [LINK TO TABLE OF LINK]. Section XXXI: Of Temperaments


Ancient writers have spoken much of temperaments, but without sufficient precision. By temperament of the system should be meant a permanent predisposition to certain classes of diseases: without this definition a temporary predisposition to every distinct malady might be termed a temperament. There are four kinds of constitution, which permanently deviate from good health, and are perhaps sufficiently marked to be distinguished from each other, and constitute the temperaments or predispositions to the irritative, sensitive, voluntary, and associate classes of diseases.

I. The Temperament of decreased Irritability.

The diseases, which are caused by irritation, most frequently originate from the defect of it; for those, which are immediately owing to the excess of it, as the hot fits of fever, are generally occasioned by an accumulation of sensorial power in consequence of a previous defect of irritation, as in the preceding cold fits of fever. Whereas the diseases, which are caused by sensation and volition, most frequently originate from the excess of those sensorial powers, as will be explained below.

The temperament of decreased irritability appears from the following circumstances, which shew that the muscular fibres or organs of sense are liable to become torpid or quiescent from less defect of stimulation than is productive of torpor or quiescence in other constitutions.

1. The first is the weak pulse, which in some constitutions is at the same time quick. 2. The next most marked criterion of this temperament is the largeness of the aperture of the iris, or pupil of the eye, which has been reckoned by some a beautiful feature in the female countenance, as an indication of delicacy, but to an experienced observer it is an indication of debility, and is therefore a defect, not an excellence. The third most marked circumstance in this constitution is, that the extremities, as the hands and feet, or nose and ears, are liable to become cold and pale in situations in respect to warmth, where those of greater strength are not affected. Those of this temperament are subject to hysteric affections, nervous fevers, hydrocephalus, scrophula, and consumption, and to all other diseases of debility.

Those, who possess this kind of constitution, are popularly supposed to be more irritable than is natural, but are in reality less so.

This mistake has arisen from their generally having a greater quickness of pulse, as explained in Sect. XII. 1. 4XII. 3. 3.; but this frequency of pulse is not necessary to the temperament, like the debility of it.

Persons of this temperament are frequently found amongst the softer sex, and amongst narrow-shouldered men; who are said to bear labour worse, and pain better than others. This last circumstance is supposed to have prevented the natives of North America from having been made slaves by the Europeans. They are a narrow-shouldered race of people, and will rather expire under the lash, than be made to labour. Some nations of Asia have small hands, as may be seen by the handles of their scymetars; which with their narrow shoulders shew, that they have not been accustomed to so great labour with their hands and arms, as the European nations in agriculture, and those on the coasts of Africa in swimming and rowing. Dr. Maningham, a popular accoucheur in the beginning of this century, observes in his aphorisms, that broad-shouldered men procreate broad-shouldered children. Now as labour strengthens the muscles employed, and increases their bulk, it would seem that a few generations of labour or of indolence may in this respect change the form and temperament of the body.

On the contrary, those who are happily possessed of a great degree of irritability, bear labour better than pain; and are strong, active, and ingenious. But there is not properly a temperament of increased irritability tending to disease, because an increased quantity of irritative motions generally induces an increase of pleasure or pain, as in intoxication, or inflammation; and then the new motions are the immediate consequences of increased sensation, not of increased irritation; which have hence been so perpetually confounded with each other.

II. Temperament of Sensibility.

There is not properly a temperament, or predisposition to disease, from decreased sensibility, since irritability and not sensibility is immediately necessary to bodily health. Hence it is the excess of sensation alone, as it is the defect of irritation, that most frequently produces disease. This temperament of increased sensibility is known from the increased activity of all those motions of the organs of sense and muscles, which are exerted in consequence of pleasure or pain, as in the beginning of drunkenness, and in inflammatory fever. Hence those of this constitution are liable to inflammatory diseases, as hepatitis; and to that kind of consumption which is hereditary, and commences with slight repeated hæmoptoe. They have high-coloured lips, frequently dark hair and dark eyes with large pupils, and are in that case subject to gutta serena. They are liable to enthusiasm, delirium, and reverie. In this last circumstance they are liable to start at the clapping of a door; because the more intent any one is on the passing current of his ideas, the greater surprise he experiences on their being dissevered by some external violence, as explained in Sect. XIX. on reverie.

As in these constitutions more than the natural quantities of sensitive motions are produced by the increased quantity of sensation existing in the habit, it follows, that the irritative motions will be performed in some degree with less energy, owing to the great expenditure of sensorial power on the sensitive ones. Hence those of this temperament do not attend to slight stimulations, as explained in Sect. XIX. But when a stimulus is so great as to excite sensation, it produces greater sensitive actions of the system than in others; such as delirium or inflammation. Hence they are liable to be absent in company; sit or lie long in one posture; and in winter have the skin of their legs burnt into various colours by the fire. Hence also they are fearful of pain; covet music and sleep; and delight in poetry and romance.

As the motions in consequence of sensation are more than natural, it also happens from the greater expenditure of sensorial power on them, that the voluntary motions are less easily exerted. Hence the subjects of this temperament are indolent in respect to all voluntary exertions, whether of mind or body.

A race of people of this description seems to have been found by the Spaniards in the islands of America, where they first landed, ten of whom are said not to have consumed more food than one Spaniard, nor to have been capable of more than one tenth of the exertion of a Spaniard. Robertson’s History.—In a state similar to this the greatest part of the animal world pass their lives, between sleep or inactive reverie, except when they are excited by the call of hunger.

III. The Temperament of increased Voluntarity.

Those of this constitution differ from both the last mentioned in this, that the pain, which gradually subsides in the first, and is productive of inflammation or delirium in the second, is in this succeeded by the exertion of the muscles or ideas, which are most frequently connected with volition; and they are thence subject to locked jaw, convulsions, epilepsy, and mania, as explained in Sect. XXXIV. Those of this temperament attend to the slightest irritations or sensations, and immediately exert themselves to obtain or avoid the objects of them; they can at the same time bear cold and hunger better than others, of which Charles the Twelfth of Sweden was an instance. They are suited and generally prompted to all great exertions of genius or labour, as their desires are more extensive and more vehement, and their powers of attention and of labour greater. It is this facility of voluntary exertion, which distinguishes men from brutes, and which has made them lords of the creation.

IV. The Temperament of increased Association.

This constitution consists in the too great facility, with which the fibrous motions acquire habits of association, and by which these associations become proportionably stronger than in those of the other temperaments. Those of this temperament are slow in voluntary exertions, or in those dependent on sensation, or on irritation. Hence great memories have been said to be attended with less sense and less imagination from Aristotle down to the present time; for by the word memory these writers only understood the unmeaning repetition of words or numbers in the order they were received, without any voluntary efforts of the mind.

In this temperament those associations of motions, which are commonly termed sympathies, act with greater certainty and energy, as those between disturbed vision and the inversion of the motion of the stomach, as in sea-sickness; and the pains in the shoulder from hepatic inflammation. Add to this, that the catenated circles of actions are of greater extent than in the other constitutions. Thus if a strong vomit or cathartic be exhibited in this temperament, a smaller quantity will produce as great an effect, if it be given some weeks afterwards; whereas in other temperaments this is only to be expected, if it be exhibited in a few days after the first dose. Hence quartan agues are formed in those of this temperament, as explained in Section XXXII. on diseases from irritation, and other intermittents are liable to recur from slight causes many weeks after they have been cured by the bark.

V. The first of these temperaments differs from the standard of health from defect, and the others from excess of sensorial power; but it sometimes happens that the same individual, from the changes introduced into his habit by the different seasons of the year, modes or periods of life, or by accidental diseases, passes from one of these temperaments to another. Thus a long use of too much fermented liquor produces the temperament of increased sensibility; great indolence and solitude that of decreased irritability; and want of the necessaries of life that of increased voluntarity.

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Darwin, Erasmus, 2005. Zoonomia, Vol. Or, the Laws of Organic Life. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved May 2022 from

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The Temperaments of Decreased Irritability
Source: Trends Pinoy

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